Discovery~ travel & living 

is my favorite channel 

from now on


No. 1  Miami Ink ~ 邁阿密刺青客
That's the best program to me.... to see the tattoos, stories, and beaches. And also due to I had a fantastic experience in Miami.

No. 2  Queer Eye for the Straight Guy ~  酷男的異想世界
F5 are five fabulous gay people. They are gentle and elegant. They teach clumsy straight men to change their life stytle and how to enjoy it.

No. 3  Janet 瘋台灣
Janet is a beautiful girl from TX. She's also my friend, Cinny's cousin. I knew her since she was just a model. I'm so glad that I can see her from TV every week.

You can check the schedule from its website:

Hope you will enjoy it as I do.


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